2014年10月22日 星期三



The coming the new Wave of Light marked our coming as well, Belovedones.
We want to give you attunements for the new characteristics of theLight Wave in an understandable way not only for your open Heartbut also for your mind.


Allprocesses in the Creation are exposed to cycles, which can be oflong duration in the scale of linearity and also of short duration.Each of them leaves its own imprints as on the Consciousness(through the high vibrations of passing Light, the luminosity ofLove energy) so on the biology of all entities (through theelectromagnetic components of Light waves).


Wehave told you before that Earth has entered and continues to remainin a stripe of bright-frequency range. The magnetic component ofLight Beings, whose consciousnesses are ready to receive the Lightof activati​​on, has increased and continues to increase. Those whostill remain in the process of awakening will continue to open upto soft dispersion luminosities very gently. There are also soulswho have chosen other ways, but remember that all ways are sacredand they can not be analyzed by human beings, dear ones.


Theexperiences of your lived incarnations reveal themselves and movecloser to comprehension and realization, therefore, yourunderstanding of the world and of connectivity of all andeverything broadens itself. One of the layers of the new Wave ofLight is directed for activati​​on, including the awakening of thedeep memory. Spontaneous enlightenments in wakeful periods or nightvisions will gradually reveal and raise to the surface all that youhave always known and what has always been inside of you. Thisknowledge coming to light in your dense body's memory will help yourealize the unity and indivisibility of the Existence, bring youcloser to the discovery of your True nature, give an opportunity ofbroader understanding of the aims of present incarnation and allowyou to manifest yourself as a Creator of the new reality morefully.


Theworld is multilayered, dear ones, each of you is unique throughyour Light of cognition, therefore processes flowing inside of youare unique too. Now we state only one of the layers ofpossibilities which you can potentially accept and unfold in thiscurrent moment of Now in new energies of activati​​on. Though, onlyyour own Faith, sincere aspiration in Love, trust in divinity ofyour Light and in the Flow of Life can help you to receive all thecurrent activati​​ons of the new Wave.


Weremind you, Beloved ones, how important is your aspiration toself-knowing, to unfolding your Light, seeing the aims of living innew possibilities of Light activation and in new stages ofexistence, unity and indivisibility at the unique individuality ofeveryone. Each of you holds in yourself the Spark of the Creator;you can kindle the Flame of the Creator by power of your Divineintention, but only when your Heart has integrity, and it's openfor LOVE and is giving Love!

在當前的時刻你們蒙受著祝福,親愛的人們!  Blessed is this current moment, dear ones!

大角星光之家人  Arcturian Light Family.

翻譯  U2覺醒

