2018年7月11日 星期三


[ 一個門徒說他經常感到疲勞、無聊。奧修檢查他的能量。 ]

[A sannyasin says he always feels tired and bored. Osho checks his energy.]

奧修 OSHO :

別上任何課,嗯?只要休息幾天就好。一直休息到 11 號。能睡多久覺就睡多久:好好吃,多睡覺,如果你想做任何鍛煉,就去游泳池,躺在泳池邊上。

Don't do any groups, mm? -- just rest for a few days. Up to the eleventh, simply rest. Sleep as much as you can: eat well and go to sleep, and if you want to do any exercise then just go to the swimming pool and lie down in the pool.

在那 10 天裡好好休息。好好懶一番。 11 號那一天你的能量會轉變,沒什麼好擔心的。所以為即將到來的 11 號做準備。

For these ten days simply rest. Be really lazy. On the eleventh your energy will take a turn; nothing to be worried about. So get ready for the eleventh.

那意味著,要盡可能的懶,好讓能量累積。 11 號那天能量會爆發。記住 11 號! (注: 11 號為奧修生日慶典)

That means to become as lazy as possible so that energy accumulates. On the eleventh it will explode. Keep the eleventh in mind!

譯自:OSHO The Open Door

